You can download the Journal Template here : [DOWNLOAD]The paper sent to our redaction will be considered for publication with the following criteria:
1. The article must be scientific, either based on the empirical research or conceptual ideas. The content of the article have not published yet in any Journal, and should not be submitted simultaneously to another Journal.
2. Article can be written either in Indonesian or in English. The manuscript is written with font Garamond of font size 11 with one (1) space.
3. Article must be in the range between 15-20 pages, including title, abstract, keywords, and bibliography.
4. Article consisting of the various parts: i.e. title, the author’s name(s) and affiliation(s), abstract (200-250 words), Keywords (maximum 5 words), introduction, resullt and discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.
5. The article must be under 20 % check by plagiarism software
6. The article does not contain the results of plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of data.
7. Citation’s style used is the (Chicago Manual of style 17th Edition) and should follow the format below:
8. Repeated citation use only the author's last name and pages. Example: Hostmann, 75; Meuleman, 190;
9. The references should be included at the end of the article and arranged alphabetically in which the author's last name is placed in the front. Example: Meuleman, Johan. “‘Dakwah’, Competition for Authority, and Development.” Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde 167, no. 2/3 (2011): 236–69.
10. The paper will be reviewed and edited without changing any substantial content.
11. The transliterated paper must be based on the transliterating rules.
12. The rejected paper will be notified to the author via OJS or email.
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